Icelanders protest against having to pay for bankers’ crimes

This video is called Protest in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 8th, 2011.

There was a big demonstration in Reykjavik, Iceland, yesterday, against the people having to pay for the bank fat cats’ Icesave scandal.

From the Iceland Weather Report blog:

A short report on today’s demonstration

by alda on August 13, 2009

Went to the demonstration this afternoon. Had no idea what the turnout would be like – as some of you will know, Iceland does not have a great tradition of protesting, and it takes a lot to get people motivated.

Like the current Icesave agreement.

It was definitely reminiscent of the demonstrations this past winter. There were almost 3,000 people gathered in Austurvöllur square today, which is, like, almost 1 percent of the population. [Meaning that in the US it would be 3 million people gathered in one place to protest, in the UK it would be 80,000 if my calculations serve.] The speeches were excellent, eliciting much applause, shouting and whistling. Wish I could get my hands on them to translate excerpts here on the blog.

This is a video of an earlier protest on this issue.

The video says about itself:

Today there was a protest in Reykjavik – Iceland.

The Icelandic goverment just decided to pay the Icesave debt in Europe.

That is around 650 billion kronas.

People are angry, because that means that the public must pay – rise in taxes and such.

They are arguing – why should the public pay for what the bankers did.

The protest was peaceful, but lot of noise was made.

Motorbykes ( three ) stopped in front, and made a lot of noise, until the Police asked them to go.

2 thoughts on “Icelanders protest against having to pay for bankers’ crimes

  1. Pingback: Icelandic banksters jailed | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Icelandic women demonstrate against discrimination | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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