British Conservative resigns in expenses scandal

This video says about itself:

Swimming pool maintenance, the clearing of a moat and the hanging of a chandelier are just some of the expenses claims made by Tory MPs.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Top Tory aide resigns

Thursday 14 May 2009

TORY leader David Cameron‘s top aide resigned on Thursday after being exposed creaming off thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ cash to pay his mortgage.

As a Tory spokesman admitted an “examination of Andrew MacKay‘s allowances revealed an unacceptable situation,” Mr Cameron insisted he would throw out any Tory MP refusing to pay back “excessive” expenses.

But in an immediate snub to his own leader, Tory grandee Douglas Hogg, who milked the expense system for £20,000 to “clear his moat,” refused to pay it back.

Meanwhile, former Labour minister Elliot Morley was suspended after grabbing £16,000 to pay off a mortgage that didn’t even exist.

Mr Morley continued to claim £800 a month for his home, even though the mortgage had been paid off 18 months before. He also rented out a second house to fellow Labour MP Ian Cawsey, allowing Mr Morley to claim mortgage interest on this property too. Mr Cawsey paid him £1,000 per month – which he claimed back.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged an investigation.

The Lodger
Ian Cawsey
Took £1,000 a month to rent Morely’s second home

Hogg Wash
Douglas Hogg
Got £20,000 to clear his moat and refuses to pay it back

MacKay Drops
Andrew MacKay
Resigned after creaming off thousands for his mortgage

Silly Elliot
Elliot Morley
Claimed £16,000 for his non-existent mortgage

Also on the expenses scandal: here. And here.

TWO Labour peers involved in the “cash for amendments” scandal were facing suspension from the House of Lords on Thursday after a parliamentary sleaze inquiry found them guilty of misconduct: here.

Former environment minister Elliot Morley was freed from prison today after serving a quarter of his 16-month sentence for fiddling his parliamentary expenses: here.

About the Daily Telegraph: here.

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