Economic crisis, Visteon workers’ struggle

This video from London, England, says about itself:

Workers at the Visteon car component plant leave their week-long occupation. The workers were told on 31 March that they were being made redundant without notice, redundancy pay or even payment for their last week of work. They decided to take over their workplace.

On 9 April a high court ruling led to the majority of the workers to decide to end the occupation, but to continue to picket until their demands are met.

The economic crisis continues.

Australia: In a bid to divert public anger over huge corporate retirement payouts, the government has announced it would amend the Corporations Act to allow golden handshakes awarded to departing CEOs to be capped: here.

USA: Following last week’s adoption of the new state budget, New York’s Democratic Governor Paterson is advancing a plan to lay off nearly 9,000 state workers. Meanwhile, New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg has threatened to lay off 7,000 city employees: here.

More than 10,000 ThyssenKrupp workers from throughout Germany held a demonstration on Monday April 6 in Duisburg, to protest against job losses and wage cuts: here.

Eric Hobsbawm on the economic crisis: here.

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