US singer Jim Page interviewed

This music video from the USA is called Jim Page, Anna Mae Aquash.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Talent and contribution

(Friday 30 January 2009)


nterview: JIM PAGE talks politics before he sets off on his latest tour.

When a singer-songwriter is described by leading US political folk singer David Rovics as “the greatest songwriter in the English language” and praised by the great Christy Moore as “a singer who gives me a glimmer of hope,” you know you’re dealing with a very special talent.

Jim Page was born and raised in California but is now settled in Seattle. He has been playing the guitar and writing songs since he was 15 years old, with over 35 years of performing and a string of over 19 releases behind him. …

One thing that exercises Page is the inability of many of his countrymen to see the effects of their actions and political choices on the outside world. His Collateral Damage CD, released in 2002, followed the tragic events of September 11 2001.

Page thinks that the US will not come to terms with what happened on that day until it takes responsibility for its actions. He has a clear, logical view of past crimes and mistakes and of the challenges ahead.

“We are always pretending to be the innocents,” he says.

“Our history is filled with conquest and expansion into other people’s homelands. Everybody knows that what is now the US was all Indian land. We killed them and took their stuff. Sometimes, they got really mad and we blamed them when they fought back. We used it as an excuse to take more land and kill more Indians. It’s the same thing here.

“That’s the tradition that George W Bush comes from. What we did after September 11 2001 was to get angry and go for blood. Bush got on his boots and his cowboy hat and led the charge. They killed a whole lot of people and redrew the political lines in that part of the world. …

“I think that, if we take this opportunity – the election of Barack Obama, that is – to think about who we are and what our effect in the world is, we could begin to get somewhere. It’ll be a long road, though.”

1 thought on “US singer Jim Page interviewed


    No we’re suppose to report genocide criminals in as much details as possible
    Torture Pattaya
    Join the community
    Bangkok, Thailand
    1 min ago
    Look there isn’t much point in dreaming about becoming Prime Minister again when there ia already a Presidential State Post under the co-operation of The Royal Adminstration.
    They said they have the right to start first so they want the Blue and Red Tiddly Winks and you are the Yellow and Green Tiddly Winks.. Who ever winks first is worthy of the prize. “A position on the board of The Carlyle Group”
    First we nned tio remove certain corrupting underlings ….The Devils Offer – By Patrick Pong
    Interesting to notice that when you become a 60-65 year old pensioner and you are living in Thailand life becomes like a game of roller ball.
    First you notice that some of your friends have changed in appearance, they’ve had an overnight faced lift, so that explains the screams of terror.
    Then the street drains seem to get blocked up and this sordid morticious smel exudes out of the drain covers. Then suddenly someone starts carpeting the drain covers with offcuts of hotel and airport carpet trather like the carpet used in the new Hong Kong Airport.
    Bill Whyme seems to have had a good face lift he looks 35 years younger and is back riding a motor bike again and he’s bought two yes two not one new pickup trucks ll kitted out with neon underlights and lamers etc.
    “I guess the old banger went dwn the drain” you say to him
    “Ummm wwwell actually I won the lotAReee” he answers
    “You little devil, how many tickets did that cost you”
    (TICkets means poison kill European tourists spiked)
    “Bloody Hell I think I will buy one where did you get the tickets from?”
    “Errr a man called Erik…”
    “Erik? You mean that man Mr Winn Pope who has ben calling himself Erik”
    It is estimated over Euros 1.5 Billion have ben stolen out of pension funds both state and private by the ever-Khamealien-present Mr Winn Pope who quite often thinks he’s appeared as a Police man when he’s a murdering criminal that has famous ancestory going back to The Killing Fields of Cambodia and Moses and The Bull Rushes..(The Bull called “Lebrick” was him out of his head on SPEED).
    This bastard Goa-Banga-lore-life-satanic-vi rtual naviator has blocked emails interfered with internet access holding monitors to a lan then later accessing main inteernet. This man is something to do with the murder of my father, rthe terrorising of my Aunt Ann and possibly the Stroke of my Uncle Harry S Young friend of President Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore.
    Now I have no girlfriend and I am worried this man will hurt her very severly possibly kill her.


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