Shell fat cats’ big profits

This video from Ireland says about itself:

Discover Corporate Ireland

On the 24th July 2008 at 8am, over 70 Shell security and 40 Gardaí forced members of local community from a section of Glengad beach. See more details on

From British daily The Morning Star:

Unite calls for fat-cat tax as Shell rakes in £22bn

(Thursday 29 January 2009)

INDUSTRY union Unite pressed the case for a windfall tax on greedy oil and energy companies on Thursday after oil giant Shell reported a massive profit of £22 billion for the final quarter of 2008.

The company whinged that its profits had more than halved in that period, despite the sum being the biggest in Britain’s history.

Unite joint general secretary Derek Simpson said: “Shell is still feasting while the rest of us face famine. Its profits are the biggest in UK history.

“A compelling case still remains for a windfall tax on the greedy energy companies. Working families are struggling in the face of the recession, the redistribution of windfall profits would help support Britain through these difficult times.”

Greedy Shell boss Jeroen van der Veer described the fourth-quarter performance only as “satisfactory.”

2 thoughts on “Shell fat cats’ big profits

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