USA voting problems

This video from the USA is called Uncounted – Election Day 2000: Learning from the Past So We Are Not Condemned to Repeat It.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

In various American states there are problems at polling booths, especially in Virginia. About four hundred complaints have been lodged there; also in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey some things went wrong.

Complaints varied from non working voting machines to gigantic queus and polling stations opening too late.

Also some European pollwatchers have voiced criticisms. They felt they were hindered in doing their job. A team of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) was complaining about restrictions. The pollwatchers said that in Fort Lauderdale they were allowed to visit just one polling station, selected from them by US authoritities.

Fort Lauderdale is in Florida. Right; the state where in 2000 Governor and little brother Jeb Bush stole the vote from Al Gore for his big brother George W. And Ohio … where in 2004 victory was stolen from John Kerry …

What if McCain wins by fraud:

New Court Filing Reveals How the 2004 Ohio Presidential Election Was Hacked. Bob Fritakis, The Free Press: “A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio’s 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W. Bush. The filing also includes the revealing deposition of the late Michael Connell. Connell served as the IT guru for the Bush family and Karl Rove”: here.

10 thoughts on “USA voting problems

  1. Dear Young Democrat,

    We are getting reports from multiple states, of a recent influx of fraudulent emails, fliers, and text messages incorrectly telling students that voting has been delayed or polling places are moved for students.

    Obviously these assertions are FALSE and an obvious attempt by supporters of Republican candidates afraid of the impact you are having on this election.

    No voting has been delayed, all remaining voting will take place today, and you can find your polling place at If you or your friends encounter any problems voting, call 866-OUR-VOTE for assistance.

    If you have received any of these emails or texts do not delete them. Please forward them to immediately. If you are unable to forward text messages from your phone, please take a photo of the text on your phone and email the photo to us.

    Do not allow these cheap, dirty, and irresponsible voter suppression tactics to succeed. Forward this email on to all your friends so they know the truth, post the blog post we wrote on this topic on your facebook wall, and do whatever you can to spread the word.


    Tony Cani

    National Political Director

    Young Democrats of America


  2. Here are three quick ways you can make a difference today!

    1. Ban Touchscreen Voting

    Do you remember the Stolen Elections of 2000 (Florida) and 2004 (Ohio)? We will never forget them, because we fought hard after both elections to count every vote.

    And now we can finally do something about it by passing Rep. Rush Holt’s “Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act.”

    Sign our petition to Congress:

    In 2000, the Republican Supreme Court blocked a manual recount of 175,000 never-counted paper ballots and appointed George Bush as President, with disastrous consequences for our nation and the world. And in 2004, many disputed Ohio votes were cast on touchscreens, so a manual recount was impossible.

    After 2004, grassroots activists across the country fought to ban touchscreen voting and to require full manual recounts in close elections. Thanks to activists, the closest race in 2008 – the Minnesota Senate battle between Al Franken and Norm Coleman – used paper ballots which were recounted entirely by hand. This careful and precise manual recount changed the result from a Coleman lead of 477 on Election night to a Franken lead of 312 today.

    But a Minnesota-style recount would be impossible in one-third of the U.S. because of paperless touchscreen voting. That’s why Congress must pass Rep. Rush Holt’s “Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act” to ban touchscreen voting and require manual recounts in close elections.

    Sign our petition to Congress:


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