US Bush regime pot calls Burmese kettle black on hurricane tragedies

Bush and Hurricane Katrina, cartoon

From Think Progress in the USA:

Laura Bush’s Katrina Amnesia: Slams Burmese Govt. For Ignoring ‘Warnings’ Of Impending Natural Disaster

In an “unusual foray into foreign policy” yesterday, First Lady Laura Bush admonished the Burmese government for its “inept” response to the recent cyclone that killed over 20,000 people. The First Lady heaped particularly harsh criticisms on the Burmese government for not adequately warning residents about the incoming storm …

In fact, equally harsh criticism could be leveled at President Bush. As Hurricanes Katrina and Rita struck in 2005, Bush was on vacation, and the White House ignored warnings about the dangers ahead.

See also here on Burma. And here.

4 thoughts on “US Bush regime pot calls Burmese kettle black on hurricane tragedies

  1. Burma: Regional left support for workers’ struggle

    February 13, 2010 — The statement below has been signed by the Working
    People’s Association (Indonesia); Confederation Congress of Indonesia
    Union Alliance; the Singapore Democratic Party; the Socialist Party of
    Malaysia; Socialist Alternative (Australia); Socialist Alliance
    (Australia); Socialist Worker New Zealand; Young Democrats (Singapore);
    Partido ng Manggangawa (Philippines); Congress of South African Trade
    Unions; Partido Lakas ng Masa (Philippines).

    * Read more


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