Tom Morello, of Rage Against the Machine, interviewed

This video from the USA is of Rage Against the Machine, their first ever public performance at The Quad, Cal State Northridge, Northridge, CA on Oct. 23, 1991.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Reasons to rage

(Friday 25 May 2007)

INTERVIEW: Tom Morello

Rage Against the Machine guitarist TOM MORELLO talks about his new solo project The Nightwatchman, his activism in the US labour movement and his political inspiration and motivations.

While a lust for fame and fortune may well fuel most rock’n’roll musicians, the driving force behind Tom Morello’s music is a dedication to truth, justice and dignity.

A tireless advocate of workers’ rights, Morello has organised benefit concerts and even engaged in civil disobedience to support the cause.

Just some of the labour struggles that he has taken action on include the Los Angeles janitors’ strike, the Immokalee farm workers’ campaign against Taco Bell and the Southern California grocery workers’ strike and lockout.

Morello was inspired by his mother, the American-Italian-Irish civil rights and free speech advocate Mary Morello, and by his father, the Kenyan revolutionary Ngethe Njoroge.

Another Tom Morello interview: here. And here.

See also here.

3 thoughts on “Tom Morello, of Rage Against the Machine, interviewed

  1. Pingback: Rage Against The Machine, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Puerto Rican music and WikiLeaks | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Tom Morello’s new song about Ferguson | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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