British workers will mark May Day with big strike against Blair’s policies

London May Day demonstration, 2006By Matthew Cookson:

Workers to hit back on May Day

Tuesday 1 May is set to see a major strike in defence of public services as the PCS civil service workers’ union steps up its action against job cuts, low pay and privatisation.

Around a quarter of a million PCS members have already taken strike action this year.

Now the union wants to make May Day the date of its next national strike action.

Workers across the public sector are facing similar attacks on pay and cuts in services. The unions should turn this into a mass day of action in defence of public services. …

In London workers can bring all the battles together in the evening by attending the Organising for Fighting Unions May Day rally.

Speakers will include Mark Serwotka, the PCS general secretary, Tony Benn and Respect MP George Galloway.

Blair and Brown are increasingly out of step with public opinion on the questions of jobs, pay and services.

With the government weakened by scandal and growing opposition, union activists need to ram home their advantage.

May Day can be a rallying point for all those who want to hit back at New Labour’s assaults.

See also here.

Update: here.

And here.

And here.

May Day in London, Manchester, etc.: here.

1 thought on “British workers will mark May Day with big strike against Blair’s policies

  1. Pingback: Tomorrow May Day demonstrations, 3 May elections in Britain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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