USA: Oscar awards uninspiring

Academy AwardBy David Walsh:

There is not much to be said about the 79th edition of the Academy Awards.

No one said or did anything of particular interest during the more than three-and-a-half-hour ceremony Sunday evening.

The film that received the highest honors (best picture, best direction, best adapted screenplay and film editing), Martin Scorsese’s The Departed, is a miserable, misanthropic work, the worst by some distance of the five nominated for best film (along with Babel, Little Miss Sunshine, Letters from Iwo Jima and The Queen).

The overriding impression left by the evening at the Kodak Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard is of a group of people far removed from the realities of American or global life.

Wealthy, insulated and self-involved to an unhealthy degree, the Hollywood elite is not in any position to make serious or profound judgments on much of anything.

See also here.

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