Italy: new Leonardo Da Vinci drawing found

This video is called Leonardo Da Vinci Drawings.

From AFP press agency:

Discovery of new drawing by Da Vinci

June 10, 2006

Agence France-Presse

ROME — A drawing of the head of an old woman bought by an Italian collector in Venice in the 1970s has officially been attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, the daily Corriere della Sera reported Saturday.

The drawing will be unveiled on June 15 in the Doges’ Palace in Venice.

The sketch of a head with deformed, monstrous features was sold to industrialist Giancarlo Ligabue as being “in the manner” of da Vinci.

“I bought it from an antiques dealer in Venice, who made it very clear I should not delude myself into thinking it was really a drawing by Leonardo,” he told the paper.

“A year ago, I published a catalogue of drawings from my collection, and to do this, I asked for help from experts.

For the Leonardo-style drawings, I consulted professor Luisa Cogliati Arano, who is an authority.

On this drawing, she said she was puzzled and advised me to have it examined scientifically.”

An infra-red examination showed that there was another drawing underneath the photographic image.

“The examination confirmed that it was indeed by Leonardo da Vinci and revealed later additions, common on old drawings.

Collectors used to touch up features which they didn’t consider showed up enough or even completed details,” Cogliati told the paper.

How did the brains of Leonardo and other artists work? See here.

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