Maduro to propose Puerto Rico’s membership at upcoming CELAC Summit

After this news about Puerto Rico, more news …

Austerity budget deepens Puerto Rico’s economic crisis: here.

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

January  23 2014

nicolas maduro  with pr flagVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that he will propose the membership of Puerto Rico at the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, whose second summit will be held January 28 and 29 in Havana.

During a forum in Caracas for the independence of Puerto Rico, attended by Puerto Rican independence leaders, Maduro said that Venezuela will propose that the regional bloc declares Latin America as a territory free of colonialism, since he said, it is a shame that there are still colonies in this part of the world.
“Puerto Rico is in the pending agenda of Liberator Simon Bolivar and Latin America and the Caribbean  are now uniting, and Latin American unity was born right here, Maduro noted.
The Venezuelan head of state called for the renewal of supportive actions with Puerto Rico as he said that “we have to cultivate solidarity of Venezuelans with the fight of…

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