Dinosaurs could get cancer

This 4 August 2020 video, in Indonesian, is about the recent discovery that a Centrosaurus dinosaur had bone cancer.

Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:

Canadian scientists have for the first time found evidence that dinosaurs could also develop bone cancer.

Paleontologists discovered this when they re-examined malformations on the fossil of a Centrosaurus – a horned, herbivorous dinosaur that lived in the Cretaceous period more than 70 million years ago.

The fossil was excavated in the Canadian province of Alberta in 1989 and was notable for a fibula defect, which was then assessed by scientists as a healed fracture. New research with detailed CT scans found it likely to be an aggressive form of bone cancer.

The tumor was the size of an apple, the scientists said in an article in the scientific journal Lancet Oncology.

3 thoughts on “Dinosaurs could get cancer

  1. Pingback: Rubeosaurus, Styracosaurus, same dinosaur species? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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