Mystery Blogger Award, thank you showdonttell!

Mystery Blogger Award

My dear blogging friend showdonttell of the Just show, Dont tell blog has nominated Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Mystery Blogger Award.

Thank you for this kind gesture!

Thank you, Okoto Enigma, for creating this award!

The rules of the Mystery Blogger Award are:

1. Put the award logo/image on your blog

2. List the rules

3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog

4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people

7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)

9. Share a link to your best post(s)

10. Answer the questions your nominator gave you.

It is hard to say which of my blog posts I like best. I think

Three things about me:

1. I heard ring-necked parakeets call today.

2. The most visited pages/posts of my blog today are:

Title Views
Home page / Archives More stats 41
The origin of bats More stats 10
Swedish birds eating apples in winter More stats 10
Prehistoric sharks invented suction feeding, new research More stats 9
Origins of animals, plants, fungi, new research More stats 8
Donald Trump’s cronies profiting from Puerto Rico disaster More stats 8
Prehistoric Australian giant kangaroos, new research More stats 7
War profiteers accused of war crimes More stats 7
Trump’s Pentagon prepares mass internet censorship More stats 5
‘Stop Japanese militarist war flags at Olympics’ More stats 5

3. The most visited pages/posts of my blog this year are:

September 12, 2018 to Today

Showdonttell’s questions, and my answers, are:

Q1. What do you do when you are free?

Blogging; birdwatching; or other things 🙂

Q2. Would you kill your friend to save your life or sacrifice your own life for him?

I would not kill anyone, neither my friend nor myself.

Q3. If you had an assignment and a friend of yours was copying your idea, what would you do?

Depends on the situation.

Q4. If you had a choice of changing your past or seeking through your future, what would you choose?

I would prefer knowing about my future; especially if that future would not be immutable, giving me the chance to avoid bad things which I would not have known about otherwise.

Q5. If I give you a chance of being a part of a Sci-Fi movie and tell you to delete your site permanently for being a part, what would you do?

Then I would prefer not to be in the science fiction film; as I have worked at my blog since 2005 and have attracted millions of visits.

My five questions for my nominees are:

1. Who is your favourite musician?

2. Who are your three favourite people?

3. Which is your favourite bird species?

4. If you would be a playing card, would you prefer to be the joker, a king or a queen?

5. What is the best thing which happened to you in this year 2019?

My nominees are:

1. Casa Cal Domino

2. Decor Craft Design

3. Political.Bdnews

4. Jellis’ Blog

5. vatibangla24

6. Me.. Era !

7. Gehad’s Journey


9. Gaeun Diary

10. A Voice from Iran

11. cocinaitaly

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