Brown thrasher sings in the USA

This February 2018 video from Florida in the USA says about itself:

Brown Thrasher singing its song is like songbird jazz – very improvisational. They can out sing their cousins the Mockingbirds and Catbirds. Lately this Brown Thrasher has been singing his song every morning before sunrise usually high in the oaks where he is hard to see due to dense cover and poor light.

Look for a special late winter guest appearance due to very warm weather – notice the squirrels‘ reaction to this unwelcome visitor. Sometimes squirrels will attack snakes and run them off, but the Backyard Squirrels here are pretty mellow.

1 thought on “Brown thrasher sings in the USA

  1. Pingback: Brown thrasher in Georgia, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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