Blogger Recognition Award, thank you Cosmic Explorer!

Blogger Recognition Award

My dear blogging friend Cosmic Explorer has nominated Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Blogger Recognition Award for the second time.

Thank you so much for this kind gesture!

For all the nominees for this award, here are the rules, if you choose to accept:

Write a post to show your award.
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

My blog started in January 2005, then still at ModBlog. At first, my blog posts were text only. Gradually I learned to insert pictures. Still later, to embed videos.

My advice for new bloggers is:

1. Add images or videos to your blog posts to make them more attractive.

2. Use Zemanta to find more hyperlinks and/or images for your blog posts.

My nominees are:

1. World of wings

2. Azyre Daily

3. Sableyes

4. Where Monica goes

5. Spicy Road

6. A.J. Sefton

7. Recipe in a Bottle

8. Aspiring Thoughts

9. Eye-Dancers

10. Dragos Calinescu

11. Animalcouriers

12. nightwithdeer

13. Kintal

14. Micheline’s Blog

15. Maria Luisa Marcelino

7 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award, thank you Cosmic Explorer!

  1. Pingback: Micheline's Blog

  2. Pingback: The Blogger Recognition Award–and a Few Notes and Sundries | Eye-Dancers

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