Wild turkey and elk in the USA

This video from the USA says about itself:

24 July 2016

A Wild Turkey can run really fast and probably get away a lot faster than taking a short flight. Not sure what this turkey was running from, but you can see a turkey in full run – rather impressive. On the same day a young elk was also in a hurry.

This was an elk according to the North American definition; not the Eurasian definition.

9 thoughts on “Wild turkey and elk in the USA

  1. This reminds me: Last Sunday, whilst going to a social dance, we spotted a Brush Turkey.. He wasn’t running; he was slowly making his way across the road… Just as well the road wasn’t a busy one! 🙂


  2. Pingback: Wild turkeys in the USA, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Why Yellowstone, USA elk migrate | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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