Dedicated Blogger Award, thank you Xena!

Dedicated Blogger Award

My dear blogging friend Xena of the blog We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident has been so kind to nominate my blog for the Dedicated Blogger Award.

Thank you so much for this kind gesture!

The creator of this blog wrote:

Blogging, some say, is losing ground on the Internet. Many people are now using Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram to convey their thoughts, leaving the more ‘old-fashioned’ blog behind.

But there are those who understand that, sometimes, a long form is best. Who know that it takes time, and craft, and WORDS as well as images to convey a thought, and to start a conversation.

This Award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.

This is a my “thank you” to you. Please, pass it on!

There are no rules, but I suggest that the award be posted on the blog. If the theme does not have borders for posting the award, then consider a page (not post) for awards and putting it on the menu of your blog.

Here are my nominees for this award:

1. Eye-Dancers

2. Idealisticrebel

3. It Is What It Is

4. Առլեն Շահվերդյան. հեղինակային բլոգ-կայք

5. nightwithdeer

6. What’s Wild in Cornwall

7. Animalcouriers

8. Travel with Mukul


10. Making Waves Outreach ⚘ Flyers For Animal Rights

12 thoughts on “Dedicated Blogger Award, thank you Xena!

  1. “…who consistently provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.”>> This is what you do my friend,every day.You also provide hope.Of which I think the most precious thing in this world we are living in.Thanks for everything.This is a great support for me.Thanks for your kindness and good words 🙂


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