Snowboarding in New York City, USA

This 24 January 2015 video is about snowboarding by Casey Neistat in the streets of New York City in the USA.

A big blizzard has caused many problems in New York and elsewhere in the USA. However, like with the flooding in Ireland, some people use unusual weather for sporting opportunities.

DIGGING OUT AFTER THE STORM The East Coast began the dig out process Sunday after massive blizzard Jonas paralyzed the region with several feet of snow over the weekend. At least 29 people died in the severe weather, and over 12,000 flights were canceled since Friday. And here’s what “Snowzilla” looked like from space. [Reuters]

A strong winter storm system (named “Winter Storm Jonas”) moved through the eastern United States over the weekend, burying major cities and towns from the Carolinas to New York under record-setting amounts of snow. So far, 27 people have been confirmed dead from car crashes, hypothermia and other tragedies that would have been prevented had there been fully funded safety response programs and a safe transportation infrastructure: here.

The death toll from last weekend’s blizzard in the eastern United States climbed to 49 on Wednesday, according to the latest press reports, as the region struggles to bring its decaying infrastructure, devastated by repeated budget cuts, to something like working order: here.

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