‘Dutch king, apologize for war crimes in Indonesia’

This video from Australia says about itself:

Student Protest Over Dutch Policy (1947)

Sydney, Australia – August 1947.

Students of Sydney University demonstrate against Dutch action in Indonesia. C/U of placards protesting against Dutch policy in Indonesia.

General view of students lined up in Wynyard Park, Sydney. C/U of one of the students addressing the gathering outside the Dutch consulate. Shots of people demonstrating in the streets, marching along with banners.

M/S of police arriving upon the scene. M/S of students fighting with police and being bundled off by them. Plain clothes policeman try to wrestle placards from students. Students are put in patrol vans. Police disperse the crowd.

General view of the meeting breaking up.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Survivors of people executed in the Dutch East Indies want the king to apologize

Today, 09:44

Survivors of Indonesians who in the 1940s were executed by Dutch soldiers ask for an apology by King Willem-Alexander. They say the royal family has always been silent about the issue and about the suffering of the affected relatives.

The Committee Dutch Debts of Honour has collected three letters from relatives and sent them to the king, Prime Minister Rutte and the Parliamentary Committees for Interior and Foreign Affairs. The letters were signed by 110 survivors from the villages Suppa, Manjalling and Bulukumba on Sulawesi.

Two years ago, the Dutch ambassador to Indonesia apologized for all extrajudicial killings in the former Dutch East Indies. The committee says that the relatives with their letters want to show that they are still struggling with what happened between 1945 and 1949. “We hope that the king would like to comment on it,” says a spokesman.

The request for an apology from the king comes on the day that on Sulawesi victims of the Dutch so called police actions are commemorated. It happens every year on 11 December.

10 thoughts on “‘Dutch king, apologize for war crimes in Indonesia’

  1. We must never forget our own sins of our own past if we as a people ever wish to be able to go forward with our own lives, and not commit those sins again.


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  4. Vergeten slachtoffers van een koloniale oorlog

    Het officiële regeringsstandpunt over “de politionele acties” in Indonesië wordt steeds onhoudbaarder. Al decennialang wordt beweerd dat er weliswaar “excessen” zouden hebben plaatsgevonden, maar als geheel zou deze koloniale oorlog niet verkeerd zijn geweest. Bijna honderdduizend Nederlandse mannen, bijna allemaal dienstplichtigen, werden vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog een nieuwe oorlog ingestuurd. Duizenden weigerden dat of probeerden zich er op andere wijze doelbewust aan te onttrekken. Over hen gaat het boeiende boek “De Indië-weigeraars, vergeten slachtoffers van een koloniale oorlog”, geschreven door Antoine Weijzen. Nu steeds duidelijker wordt dat het ging om een structureel zeer gewelddadige oorlog met oorlogsmisdaden, moet ook maar eens worden erkend dat de Indonesië-weigeraars het bij het rechte eind hadden. Dat vindt ook Weijzen, waarbij hij veel aandacht geeft aan de psychologische strijd die werd gevoerd. Lees meer:



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