Egyptian police kill Sudanese refugees

This video says about itself:

Police forces break up a demonstration against austerity measures in Sudan

7 July 2012

Hundreds of Sudanese protesters have been forced to abandon demonstrations against the President Omar al-Bashir and the government’s tough austerity measures, as police fired volleys of teargas at them in Khartoum.

After killing refugees in Turkey … after refugee killing in Bulgaria … after Egyptian police killed terrorists … whoops-a-daisy, tourists

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Police kill 15 trying to cross border into Israel

Monday 16th November 2015

EGYPTIAN police killed 15 Sudanese refugees trying to cross the border into Israel yesterday and wounded eight more.

Police opened fire on the migrants after they ignored warning shots and sprinted toward the border fence in the north of the Sinai Peninsula.

Most of the wounded were in serious condition after they suffered wounds to the chest and stomach.

The incident took place at a crossing about 12 miles south of Rafah on the border with the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip.

It was also the deadliest incident involving Sudanese citizens since the 2005 clearance of a Cairo refugee camp.

There are more than 45,000 African refugees in Israel, including many from Sudan.

The government claims they are economic migrants whose growing numbers threaten the country’s Jewish character.

8 thoughts on “Egyptian police kill Sudanese refugees

  1. Pingback: Disaster for refugees in European winter cold | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Communists call for unity after shooting

    SUDAN: The Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) appealed for unity and solidarity on Thursday following the shooting of a protesting student.

    Unidentified gunmen shot Ahaliya University arts student Mohammed al-Sadek in Omdurman on Wednesday, sparking more protests at his funeral.

    Farm workers, engineers, lawyers and teachers were joining the the protests, the SCP said, which began over plans to sell the University of Khartoum.


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  6. Doe mee met het protest tegen de dreigende deportatie van een vluchteling naar Soedan!

    Zo’n 60 mensen hebben vanmorgen vanaf 11:30 uur gedemonstreerd voor de ingang van het ministerie van Justitie aan de Turfmarkt in Den Haag. De actie was georganiseerd door het Wij Zijn Hier-vluchtelingencollectief in samenwerking met de Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad en de Darfur Union, uit protest tegen de dreigende deportatie van een Soedanese vluchteling. Morgen wil de Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek (DTV) deze vluchteling vanaf 12:50 uur naar Soedan uitzetten via het KLM-vliegtuig met het vluchtnummer KL0565. Ook op Facebook en Twitter wordt er tegen de deportatie geprotesteerd. Doe ook mee! Lees meer:


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