Uzbekistan dictatorship bans political science

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan map

Weekly The Observer in Britain writes today that the bloody dictatorship in Uzbekistan has banned political science:

In a decree issued on 24 August and later made public, higher education minister Alisher Vakhabov ordered that the words “political science” be dropped from the name of the last remaining course in the subject widely taught in the country, which will now be called The Theory and Practice of Building a Democratic Society in Uzbekistan. It also required universities to move all literature relating to political science from the “general fund to a special fund”, which means students and academics will need permission to access it.

So, in Uzbekistan, the dictator calls his dictatorship ‘democracy’.

Tony Blair, George W Bush, Hillary Clinton and other NATO country politicians seem to agree with this, eagerly wooing the Uzbek dictatorship as a ‘friend’ and a military ally.

I bet the dictatorship’s higher education minister Alisher Vakhabov would be willing to make an exemption about this new rule for at least one political science professor: Herfried Münkler from Germany. Like the Uzbek tyranny, Herr Münkler supports war. Like the Uzbek tyranny, Herr Münkler supports national chauvinism. Like the Uzbek tyranny, Herr Münkler supports dictatorship. Like the Uzbek tyranny, Herr Münkler hates refugees.

Leading rights defender confined to ‘psychiatric treatment’ for seeking to expose forced labour in Uzbekistan’s cotton fields: here.

British military advisers trained Uzbek troops in “marksmanship” shortly before a massacre in which hundreds of people were killed. The training was part of a larger programme funded by Britain despite concerns expressed by the Foreign Office at the time over the Uzbekistan government’s human rights record: here.