Blackwater mercenaries’ boss threatens United States representative, 2011

United States mercenaries and dollar bill, cartoon

Representative Schakowsky Receives Letter of Intimidation From Former Blackwater CEO. Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: “Rep. Jan Schakowsky‘s (D-Illinois) attempt to end the multimillion dollar business of outsourcing in Iraq and Afghanistan doesn’t sit well with the former CEO of the notorious Blackwater company, Erik Prince, who sent a hand-delivered cease-and-desist letter to the Congresswoman threatening legal action if she continued to make ‘false and defamatory’ statements about him”: here.

21 thoughts on “Blackwater mercenaries’ boss threatens United States representative, 2011

  1. Black Water is one of the most horrific nightmares to come out of America. If they are not illegal, they should be and they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law not only in the US but in every country where they have practiced their evil craft. They are a shame and embarrassment for America.


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