Norway stops seal killing subsidy

This video is called The noisy harp seal pup.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain today:

Seal slaughter subsidy axed

Norway: Parliament has voted to scrap a controversial subsidy for seal hunting, potentially spelling the end of the much-criticised activity.

Most MPs voted to remove a £1 million subsidy — which has made up 80 per cent of seal hunters’ revenue in the past — from the 2015 Budget.

“We fear that the hunt will actually disappear along with the subsidies,” a fisheries committee spokesman said.

An appeal to allow commercial trade in harp seal products has been rejected by The European Court of Justice. In August 2010, the European Parliament and Council of the European Union’s ban of the trade in commercial seal products went into effect. The ban prohibits the importation, exportation, and sale of all commercial harp and hooded seal products in the European Union, and marked an enormous triumph in the battle to end the cruel and unnecessary slaughter of seals: here.

4 thoughts on “Norway stops seal killing subsidy

  1. Pingback: Stop Norwegian whaling | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Harp seal pups and climate change | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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