Award of Excellence, thanks Joëlle!

Award of Excellence

Many thanks to my dear friend Joëlle Jean-Baptiste of the literary blog Joëlle Jean-Baptiste – Author, for nominating Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Award of Excellence!

The rules of this award are:

1) The nominee shall display the respective logo on her/his blog and link to the blogger that has nominated her/him.

2) The nominee shall nominate ten (10) bloggers she/he admires, by linking to their blogs and informing them about the nomination.

I, in turn, nominate these blogs for that award:

1. Couple’s Chronicle

2. Spicy Road

3. spicedfox

4. Chroniques en terre Maasaï

5. PimpSkirt

6. Առլեն Շահվերդյան. հեղինակային բլոգ

7. Clanmother

8. JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

9. Noir

10. Animalcouriers

17 thoughts on “Award of Excellence, thanks Joëlle!

  1. Congratulations on a well-deserved award. The wealth of information you present daily is much appreciated.

    Thank you for the nomination! Warm greetings to you and your readers from Jamaica.

    One love.


  2. Thank you, my dear friend. It has been three years since we first connected. I have enjoyed our meaningful conversations. You remind us all that we can make a difference, however small, within our communities. Together, we can create positive outcomes.

    “Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals.” Margaret Mead


  3. Dear Kitty. Some Blog…Congratulations on your award. And thanks for the pingback. Please know I do love awards…meeting new bloggers…and following their awesome blog site’s was really “the award” for me!


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