United States music video about minimum wage

This video from the USA says about itself:

Damian Washington – “Raise The Wage!”

5 September 2014

Pay America’s Workers A Livable Wage!

(1) Most fast-food workers are adults who are major breadwinners for their families;
(2) had the minimum wage fifty years ago; merely kept up with inflation it would be over $15 today;
(3) when these giant corporations don’t pay living wages the rest of us pay Medicaid and food stamps to help these families stay out of poverty;
(4) a $15 living wage puts more money into the pockets of people who will spend it, thereby creating more jobs, not fewer;
(5) McDonalds, Burger King, and the rest are hugely profitable, paying their CEOs over 1,000 times what they pay their front-line workers. It’s time America’s fast-food workers got a raise!

Leading US socialist Kshama Sawant has launched a bid to export her campaign that scored a historic victory for higher wages in Seattle across the Atlantic. Ms Sawant spoke in Britain for the first time on Saturday after her shock election to Seattle’s city council on a Socialist Alternative ticket last November: here.

19 thoughts on “United States music video about minimum wage

  1. Where the fast food workers are concerned the rest of the world sees U.S. as Uncle Scrooge. Make sure all pay rises for senior management are restricted to the same percentage as the ground staff and no Christmas Bonuses unless the workers get one too.
    The people give you the profits, they can always take them elsewhere.


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