French Marine Le Pen can be legally called a fascist

This video says about itself:

Madonna Defends Use of Swastika on Marine Le Pen‘s Forehead: Front National Party Threatens Suit

27 July 2012

American pop singer Madonna is defending her use of an image depicting French far-right politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead after Le Pen’s party threatened legal action. Madonna said the image was meant to highlight intolerance toward immigrants and religious minorities and she refused to remove it from a video played during her live performances.

A music video, no longer on YouTube, used to say about itself:

Madonna performed her song ‘Nobody Knows Me‘ in front of a giant screen showing Marine Le Pen with a swastika on her forehead.

Skip to 1:32 in the footage below to see Marine Le Pen in Madonna’s show.

Marine Le Pen then threatened to sue Madonna for this.

The truth evidently hurts for racist French politician Marine le Pen; who inherited her Front National party leadership from her holocaust-denying father Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Though that other video is gone, this one is still on YouTube.

It is called Madonna Stade de France (Nobody Knows Me Interlude). After 56 seconds, the video shows Marine Le Pen with swastika, leading to much sound from the audience.

From Radio France International:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Front National‘s Le Pen can be called fascist, court rules

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has failed in a bid to prevent political opponents called her a “fascist”. The Front National (FN) leader sued hard-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon for use of abusive language over remarks he made during the 2012 presidential campaign in which both were candidates.

“Why do you think that the French people would be the only people to want a fascist as leader?” was Mélenchon’s response to an opinion poll putting Le Pen in the lead in the first round of the presidential race.

The Paris court on Thursday threw out Le Pen’s case, ruling that this was fair comment in political debate.

“If the term ‘fascist’ can have insulting connotations when used outside of any political context or if accompanied by other demeaning terms, it has, on the other hand, no insulting character when employed between political opponents on a political subject,” it declared.

Mélenchon could “legitimately make his opinion known … without transgressing the limits permitted to freedom of expression on the question”, its judgement said.

“The whole FN policy of trying to silence journalists and political opponents … has failed,” commented Mélenchon’s lawyer, Raquel Garrido. “Madame Le Pen has today been condemned to put up with being called a fascist.” …

Le Pen, who is trying to clean up her party’s image, has threatened to sue anyone calling her “extreme”.

Last week she lost another legal battle with Mélenchon when she was fined 10,000 euros because her party distributed a fake leaflet in his name during a by-election in northern France.

Ms Le Pen herself had called Islam ‘green fascism’ and anti-National Front bankers ‘gold fascists’.

Marine Le Pen attacks British UKIP: here.

The efforts of Marine Le Pen to organise an alliance of Eurosceptic parties to disrupt the European parliament have been damaged by her father’s latest anti-Semitic remarks on the Front National website: here.

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