Most Influential Blogger Award, thanks Tazein!

Most Influential Blogger Award

Tazein of transcendingbordersblog has been so kind to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Most Influential Blogger Award. Thank you, Tazein, for this kind gesture!

Tazein asked me seven questions. There were no further rules (except, I think, nominating other blogs, linking to them, and telling them about their nominations).

The questions are:

1- If you could create your own planet what would it look like?

Tazein herself replied: It would be filled with peace, love, joy, contentment, there would be no wars, no greed, people would love each other! I think that I agree.

2-If you could visit one nation you have never visited before, what nation would that be?

Svalbard between Norway and the North Pole. If all goes well, I will be there this year.

3- Have you ever taken a long distance trip?

Yes, to the Antarctic. It was very beautiful.

4-What is something you would collectively change about humanity?

Stopping wars.

5-What is your favorite song?

Lough Sheelin Eviction, by the Wolfe Tones.

I have many favourite songs, so next time I might choose another one 🙂

6-If you could meet one person who is still alive, then who would you choose to meet?

President Obama of the USA. I would ask him to close Guantanamo Bay torture camp, like he has promised in the 2008 election campaign.

7- If you could have one thing- one symbol- to represent you, what would that symbol be? Why?

My Internet Gravatar is a red-billed firefinch. I chose it because it is a beautiful bird, which I saw in the Gambia.

My nominees are:

1. Nostalgia

2. Tales from along the Homeless Trail

3. Imponderabilia Digital Public History and Material Culture

4. Vincent G

5. Mary Gilmartin

6. R and P Photography

7. Free online news

8. Miss Ayo Délé

9. poetryblogofmine

10. Iamforchange’s Blog

33 thoughts on “Most Influential Blogger Award, thanks Tazein!

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