Patriot missiles in Turkey, war in Syria

This video from Turkey is called Taksim, Istanbul: Anti-Erdogan War with Syria Protest.

From daily News Line in Britain:

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

NATO Patriot missiles–‘harbingers of a war on Syria

THE Turkish privately-owned, mass-circulation daily Hurriyet, on 23 November, discussed the issue ‘Are the Patriots Harbingers of a War in Syria?’

It stated: ‘Turkey first became familiar with Patriot batteries during the Gulf War of 1991.

‘Turkey did not enter that war despite then President Turgut Ozal’s aspirations to the contrary. Then Chief of the General Staff Necip Torumtay, Foreign Minister Ali Bozer, and Minister of National Defence Safa Giray resigned their positions over this issue.

‘These three resignations were in truth a political earthquake but Turkey did not spend much time discussing the backstage developments.

‘The purpose of bringing Patriots to Turkey was defence against Iraq’s Soviet-made Scud missiles. However, despite the patriot presence some Scud warheads landed in provinces near the Iraqi border and this caused strong indignation at the time.

‘At the end of the Gulf War, the United States drove Saddam out of Kuwait but it did not touch his government.

‘After the war a no-fly zone was declared in northern Iraq. Operation Poised Hammer was put in place, the border crossing point in Habur was closed, the PKK (Kurdistan People’s Congress, KGK) acquired heavy weapons from the Iraqi army, and regional dynamics changed.

‘Despite insistent calls from the United States, Turkey kept out of the war because of its undeclared “cosmic understanding” with Britain.

‘The first Gulf war ended up being the event that injected the United States into the Middle East.

‘The second coming of the Patriots occurred in the second Gulf war. The United States did not overthrow Saddam in the first war for its own regional interests, but it returned to the region in 2003.

‘This time, it unseated Saddam and settled in the region permanently in the name of maintaining “stability.”

‘As in the first Gulf war, Turkey initially expressed a desire to participate in the second war. However, it got cold feet at the last minute and stayed out of the war.

‘This equivocation resulted in heavy economic losses and strengthened the PKK in both wars.

‘In the first Gulf war, the United States wanted Turkey to open a northern front. In the second war it wanted to use Turkish ports and airports and to open a second front in the north. In both cases, these demands were opposed in Turkey.

‘The 1st March 2003 authorization bill on Iraq created problems that could not be repaired for a long time in Turkish-US relations.

‘The second intervention in Iraq was the war that installed the United States permanently in the Middle East.

‘Now, the deployment of Patriots is on the agenda for the third time.

‘According to NATO statements, “the deployment of Patriot missiles on the Syrian border will strengthen Turkey’s air defence capability to protect its people and territory” and “the missiles will contribute to the reduction of tensions on NATO’s southeastern border.”

‘These statements notwithstanding, Turkey is trying to find its way in the strategic chess game among the United States, Russia, and Britain.

‘Syria has in its possession Russian-made Scud missiles. In the event of a real intervention, the region may turn into a ball of fire, especially if Iran also gets involved.

‘When we look at the past 20 years, we see that Patriots are always brought in when there is a war. In other words, we see a history and string of events that seem to repeat themselves.

‘It seems that an intervention in Syria, which was postponed because of the US elections, will soon gain new impetus.

‘Russia’s unexpected opposition to the deployment of Patriot missiles on Turkey’s border with Syria for defensive purposes suggests that a different policy is being pursued this time.

‘Russia did not object to Patriot missiles in the previous two occasions but it has expressed opposition in the case of Syria.

‘When we put these developments together, we see that there is a desire to reformulate the Sykes-Picot order in the Middle East and that the region may be the scene of new conflicts.

‘It seems that the intervention in Syria will aim to remove Russia and other powers backing it completely from the region. In view of this, Turkey’s behaviour this time may be different from its conduct in the previous two interventions when it stayed out of them.’

19 thoughts on “Patriot missiles in Turkey, war in Syria

  1. Yes to democracy, no to foreign military intervention!

    This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of high-ranking personalities with
    international public lives to go to Syria in order to discuss the current situation with
    the main political actors and to pave the way for a negotiated political solution of the
    armed conflict in Syria which seriously threatens world peace and the existence of Syria
    as an independent and sovereign nation.

    All eyes are presently on the unfolding war in Syria that is drowning its people in
    blood. We are highly concerned not only because the conflict has been acquiring a
    dangerous geo-political dimension. The legitimate and at the beginning also peaceful
    movement of the Syrian people – along with their Arab brothers – for democratic
    rights is also in danger of being converted into a sectarian civil war with massive
    regional and international involvement.

    We are conscious that no side can win such a war of attrition in the near future whilst
    the Syrian and Arab people’s resistance against Western and Israeli predominance as
    well as the regional dictatorships is being threatened and could eventually even be

    In order to save these achievements and to continue the struggle for democracy, social
    justice and self-determination of the people, a political solution of the conflict by
    means of a negotiated settlement is indispensable. Only in this way can religious
    sectarianism be curbed, foreign intervention averted and the democratic mass movement

    We therefore take action in support of a political solution to end the bloodshed with the
    following criteria:


    • Ernesto Cardenal, poet, Sandinist politician and theologian of liberation, Nicaragua
    • Gianni Vattimo, philosopher, Italy
    • Hans von Sponeck, retired UN diplomat and university professor, Germany
    • Mairead Maguire, peace nobel price laureate, Northern Ireland
    • Norman Paech, professor for international law at the university of Hamburg, for MP
    for the “Linke, Germany
    • Manolis Glezos, resistance fighter against Nazi occupation, Greece
    • Annette Groth, MP for the “Linke”, Stuttgart, Germany
    • Margherita Hack, astro-physicist, Italy
    • Gilberto López y Rivas, social anthropologist, Mexico
    • Samir Amin, Egyptian-born economist, director of the Third World Forum, Dakar, Senegal
    • Werner Ruf, retired professor for political sciences researchin on peace and conflict
    resolution, university of Kassel, Germany
    • Paul Larudee, Co-Founder, Free Gaza Movement, Free Palestine Movement, Global March
    to Jerusalem, USA
    • Santiago Alba Rico, Spanish writer, resident in Tunis, Tunisia
    • Carlos Varea González, university professor and leading member of the “Campaign
    against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq” (CEOSI), Spain
    • Andrej Hunko, MP for the “Linke”, member of PACE, Aachen, Germany
    • Walden Bello, MP Akbayan, professor for sociology, Philippines
    • Inge Höger, MP for the “Linke”, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
    • Jean Ziegler, author, Switzerland
    • Jesus Iglesias Fernández, senator, Spain
    • Francisco Vigueras Roldán, journalist, Spain
    • Manuel Garcia Fonseca, former MP and speaker of CSCA (Spanish Committee for the Arab
    Cause), Spain
    • Ignasi Riera Gassiot, writer and ex MP in the Catalonian Parliament, Spain
    • Eren Keskin, human rights activist and layer, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Richard Falk, professor emeritus for International law and UN special rapporteur, USA
    • Ignacio Ramonet, director Le Monde Diplomatique, Spanish edition, France
    • Niema Movassat, MP for the “Linke”, Oberhausen, Germany
    • Leo Gabriel, social anthropologist, journalist and member of the Executive Committee
    of the World Social Forum, Austria / Latin America
    • Vangelis Pissias, Professor in International Economic Affairs, leading organiser of
    the Gaza Freedom flotilla, Greece

    Full list:



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  5. Turkse politie schiet traangas af op Syriërs

    BEIROET (ANP/RTR) – Veel Syrische vluchtelingen zijn woensdag gewond geraakt, toen de Turkse militaire politie traangasgranaten afschoot en het waterkanon gebruikte om stenen gooiende demonstranten te verspreiden. Dat gebeurde in het Suleiman Shah-kamp in Akcadale, niet ver van de grens met Syrië. De vluchtelingen demonstreerden tegen de leefomstandigheden in het kamp.

    Dat hebben bewoners van het kamp laten weten. Volgens hen begonnen jonge vluchtelingen een grote demonstratie, nadat door kortsluiting eerder op de dag brand in een tent was ontstaan. Door het vuur raakten volgens Turkse regeringsfunctionarissen drie broers van 7, 18 en 19 jaar gewond. Volgens bewoners van het kamp is een van de drie broers gestorven.

    Een Turkse hoge medewerker van het kamp gaf een andere lezing. Hij zei dat vluchtelingen kwaad werden, toen bewakers een groep van ongeveer 200 vluchtelingen niet in het kamp toelieten. Het zou te vol zijn. In Akcadale verblijven ongeveer 35.00 mensen. Turkije behoort met Libanon en Jordanië tot de landen met de meeste Syrische vluchtelingen. De Verenigde Naties schatten dat meer dan 260.000 Syriërs naar het land zijn gevlucht, maar de regering in Ankara denkt dat dat aantal dichter bij 400.000 ligt.

    Reformatorisch Dagblad 27-03-2013


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