Saving Brazil’s parrots

This video, part I of a series,says about itself:

Saving the Baby Blues is a Parrots International video of the rescue and rehabilitation of two wild Hyacinth Macaw chicks, the repair of their nest, and the return of the parent Hyacinth Macaws. This video was taken during a day in the life of the Parrots International team in the wild of the Pantanal, Brazil.

Here is Part IV (I couldn’t find Parts II and III on YouTube).

From the BBC:

12 November 2012 Last updated at 09:18 GMT Help

So far this year police in Brazil have rescued almost 14,000 illegally captured wild animals.

The period from September to December is the busiest time for officers, as it is breeding season for macaws and parrots who leave their eggs and young offspring vulnerable to poachers.

Iracema Sodre reports.

Video produced by BBC Brasil’s Luis Kawaguti and Jessica Fiorelli

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