Overfishing, Europe and Africa

This video is about European overfishing in African seas.

From the Greenpeace site:

What is the African Voices Tour?

As European waters have become increasingly overfished, massive European fishing vessels have moved into West African waters to continue their fishing for European markets. For local fishermen in Senegal, Cape Verde and Mauritania, these fleets are having a severe impact on the fisheries, making it very difficult for them to feed their families.

Greenpeace Africa wants to change that.

Nine representatives from fishing communities in West Africa will travel to Europe, together with Raoul Monsembula, Oumy Sene, and Prudence Wanko, from Greenpeace Africa. They’ve arranged meetings with European politicians and they hope to change the EU policy on fishing in African seas.

Protest urges EU to end overfishing: here.

Madagascar Marine Resources Plundered By International Seafood Market: here.

September 2011: A fishing boat believed to be illegally catching and supplying fish stolen from West Africa to the European Union has been seized by Liberian authorities: here.

UK cod collapse due to overfishing and political failure, says fisheries expert: here.

What were the seas like before overfishing? Sobering visualization of plummeting fish stocks in Atlantic: here.

Overfishing has profoundly changed the fish already, study finds: here.

Charles Clover, Ebury Press: “Because what fishermen do is obscured by distance and the veil of water that covers the Earth, and because fish are cold-blooded rather than cuddly, most people still view what happens at sea differently from what happens on land. We have an outdated image of fishermen as bearded adventurers in the mould of friendly Captain Birds Eye, not as overseers in a slaughterhouse…. Unfortunately, our love affair with fish is unsustainable. The evidence for this is before our eyes”: here.

July 2011. The United States joined more than 50 countries in a recommendation to regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) to better track vessels engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing for tunas, swordfish, sharks and other highly migratory species. Annual global economic losses due to IUU fishing are estimated to be as high as $23 billion: here.

At last, a bit of fishy good news: cod have begun returning to Canadian seas where they were fished to near-extinction in the early 1990s. The finding shows that fishing bans are paying dividends, which should boost annual calls to impose similar bans in European waters: here.

New research recently published in the journal Nature by Canadian scientists from the Bedford Institute of Oceonography and Queens University indicates that some Atlantic groundfish populations, such as cod and haddock, are showing evidence of recovery: here.

Harvesting of small fish species should be cut: study: here.

Deep-sea fish in deep trouble: here.

Scientists find nearly all deep-sea fisheries unsustainable, call for stopping unsustainable fisheries and government subsidies that support them: here.

Mexico: Marine protected area sees fish increase fourfold, sharks tenfold, in a decade: here. And here.

September 2011: Oil and gas platforms could be serving as beneficial habitats for commercially important fish populations such as cod and haddock, a marine ecologist has told the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity being held in Aberdeen: here.

It’s tough to trust fish labels with rampant fish fraud, many times the fish you buy is not the fish you eat: here.

Really, Don’t Trust Seafood Labels: here.

(Stanford University) A team of marine scientists has reconstructed fisheries yields over seven centuries of human habitation in Hawaii and the Florida Keys, the largest coral reef ecosystems in the United States. Results show that before European contact, Native Hawaiians were catching fish at sustainable rates, whereas historical Florida fisheries experienced commercially driven booms and busts: here.

February 2012. From gannets to seagulls, puffins to penguins, all seabirds suffer the same drop in birth rates when the supply of fish drops to less than a third of maximum capacity. That’s the result from an international study on the relationships between predators and prey in seven ecosystems around the world, published in the magazine Science and coordinated by Philippe Cury, an IRD researcher: here.

Impaired recovery of Atlantic cod — forage fish or other factors? Here.


9 thoughts on “Overfishing, Europe and Africa


    I never thought that I might be contributing to a possible ecological implosion in our oceans because of the kinds of fish that I eat.

    That is, until I saw the eye-opening documentary “The End of the Line,” which dramatically details how massive industrial fishing is endangering the viability of an increasingly large number of fish species.

    “Overfishing is the great environmental disaster that people haven’t heard about,” said the documentary’s producer George Duffield. This is not merely an indictment of mercenary corporate fishing, it is also exposes how consumers choose to ignore the impact of eating endangered fish. In fact, as supplies of certain fish dwindle, they become more expensive and, therefore, more of a delicacy.

    It’s not just specific fish that are being depleted beyond the point of no return, but overfishing contributes to creating an ecosystem change in the oceans that will not be to the benefit of the residents of the planet. Not to mention that many people in poorer nations rely on fish to survive, but are seeing a diminishing supply because of huge fishing fleets off their shores from developed nations. They are floating factories that use high-tech tools to relentlessly sweep the oceans of endangered fish and fish that are becoming threatened.

    With all our domestic concerns about unemployment, political zealots and debt and revenue, we sometimes forget that the planet around us is in need of our urgent attention.

    Overfishing is something we can help stop by changing our eating patterns. Watch the documentary “The End of the Line” and find out how.

    You can make a personal difference in keeping our fish populations abundant and healthy.

    Mark Karlin
    Editor, BuzzFlash at Truthout


  2. Greenpeace dwarsboomt Nederlandse vissers Afrika

    15/03/12, 14:33 − bron: ANP

    UPDATE Greenpeace heeft donderdag een Nederlands visserschip lastiggevallen voor de kust van het Afrikaanse land Mauritanië. Dat maakte de milieuorganisatie vandaag bekend. De activisten maakten een grote boei vast aan de netten van de supertrawler Dirk Diederik, waardoor het niet kon vissen.

    Volgens Greenpeace vist het Nederlandse schip de zee leeg voor de kust van West-Afrika en hebben lokale vissers het nakijken. De organisatie wil dat Europese landen overbevissing tegengaan. Na het weekeinde vergaderen Europese bewindslieden over hervorming van het visserijbeleid.

    ‘We willen dat staatssecretaris Henk Bleker (Landbouw) zich dit sociale onrecht aantrekt en zich in Brussel hardmaakt voor een eerlijke en duurzame vloot’, aldus Greenpeace in een persbericht.

    De wateren van West-Afrika zijn zeer rijk aan onder meer makreel, sardines en garnalen. Maar jaarlijks gaat ongeveer 1,5 miljard dollar (ruim 1,1 miljard euro) aan visopbrengsten verloren voor de lokale gemeenschappen door illegale visserij.

    Dat komt doordat door corruptie en gebrek aan controle grote buitenlandse schepen regelmatig vlak voor de kust komen vissen. Ze vangen daar vele tonnen vis in gebieden die bedoeld zijn voor de lokale, ambachtelijke vissers.


  3. Greenpeace stops Dutch trawler from fishing

    Thursday 15 March 2012

    A Dutch trawler was prevented from fishing in the waters off the coast of Mauritania on Thursday by environmental organisation Greenpeace, when activists tied a large buoy to the nets of the Dirk Diederik.

    The action comes ahead of a European gathering of agriculture ministers next week to discuss reforms to fishing policy.

    Greenpeace says the Dutch ship is over-fishing the seas of West Africa and leaving local fisherrmen with nothing to catch.

    ‘We want junior agriculture minister Henk Bleeker to recognise this social injustice and stand firm in Brussels for a fair and sustainable fleet,’ a Greenpeace spokesman said.

    © DutchNews.nl


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