Black-footed ferret release in the USA

From The Sticky Tongue blog today:

A win for wildlife! Defenders’ Lacy Gray recently had the opportunity to participate in the release of endangered black-footed ferrets that had been bred in captivity.

To learn more about what Defenders is doing to help black-footed ferrets, visit here.

September 2011: The black-footed ferret, once thought to be extinct in the wild, was rediscovered in 1981 with a small population of 24 animals in Wyoming – now, 30 years later, the species’ future is brighter than ever: here.

Efforts to save America’s black-footed ferret hampered by the Plague: here.

Smithsonian and National Zoo helped to save black-footed ferret: here.

High Country News’s Goat blog says that things are looking up for black-footed ferret reintroductions. It says that safe harbor agreements and new approval from the Colorado state legislature have opened new vistas for the species, which was once widespread across the West and then, in 1979, was thought to be extinct: here.

Prairie Dogs that were on the loose at an East Lothian open farm have now been captured and secured in a special enclosure under the first agreement of its kind to control invasive non-native species in Scotland: here.

4 thoughts on “Black-footed ferret release in the USA

  1. Pingback: Good black-footed ferret news from the USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Endangered Species Act works for United States birds | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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