Seal rehabilitation in the Netherlands

This video is about the Pieterburen Zeehonden Creche (Seal Rescue).

In Pieterburen, a village in the northern Netherlands, along the Wadden Sea, there is the Seal rehabilitation and research centre.

On 2 February, there were 208 seals there, 165 harbour seals and 43 grey seals.

On 3 February, 13 rehabilitated seals were released back into the wild on Ameland island.

February 2010. With international focus on Canada as the 2010 Winter Olympic Games begin this week, the Canadian government has announced the planned killing of as many as 50,000 grey seal pups on its east coast: here.

Ronald Schusterman, marine mammal expert, dies: here.

The Wadden Sea is one of the last true wilderness areas in Northwest Europe. Characterised by vast mudflats, it stretches over three countries: Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands and is a complex of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) which are threatened by human activities. In response, three BirdLife Partners – DOF, NABU and Vogelbescherming Nederland (BirdLife Partners in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands respectively) – have joined forces to fight for the conservation of this area and have published an ambitious report entitled the: ‘Wadden Sea Vision – A vision for the conservation of a Natural Heritage’: here.

October 2010. For much of the year grey seals at the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trusts’ Donna NookNational Nature Reserve are at sea or hauled out on distant sandbanks. Every November and December, the seals give birth to their pups near the sand dunes: a wildlife spectacle which attracts tens of thousands of visitors from across the UK: here.

Baby grey seals face swim or suckle survival dilemma: here.

13 thoughts on “Seal rehabilitation in the Netherlands

  1. wo 13 okt 2010, 11:30

    Recordaantal zeehonden bij Texelse opvang

    TEXEL – De zeehondenopvang van Ecomare op Texel heeft dit jaar een recordaantal zeehonden opgevangen. Dit heeft Ecomare woensdag gemeld. De teller staat inmiddels op 48 zeehonden, het oude record uit 2009 was 42.

    Rond de geboortetijd van de gewone zeehond in augustus spoelen doorgaans de meeste jonge zeehonden aan. Dit zijn beestjes die nog melk nodig hebben of vis moeten leren eten. Dit jaar stromen twee maanden later echter nog steeds veel zeehonden binnen. Kenmerkend is dat deze zeehonden allemaal last hebben van een ernstige longworminfectie.

    Bij zeehonden met te weinig weerstand zorgt deze worm voor ademhalingsmoeilijkheden. Hierdoor kunnen ze minder goed duiken en vangen ze minder vis, waardoor ze vermagerd aanspoelen.,buitenland


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