O.A.S. ultimatum to Honduras dictators


This BBC video says about itself:

Police and soldiers in Honduras have clashed with protesters demonstrating over the ousting of the president, Manuel Zelaya.

From the New York Times in the USA:

O.A.S. Issues Ultimatum on Honduras


Published: July 1, 2009

WASHINGTON — Honduran coup leaders have three days to restore deposed President Manuel Zelaya to power, the Organization of American States said Wednesday, before Honduras risks being suspended from the group.

OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza delivered what he called ”an ultimatum” as OAS talks regarding the crisis dragged into the early-morning hours. The talks began Tuesday afternoon.

In a sharply worded resolution, the OAS said it vehemently condemned the coup and ”the arbitrary detention and expulsion” of Zelaya.

The coup, the resolution said, has produced an ”unconstitutional alteration of the democratic order.” The envoys demanded Zelaya’s immediate and safe return to power.

Calling Zelaya’s overthrow an ”old-fashioned coup,” Insulza said: ”We need to show clearly that military coups will not be accepted. We thought we were in an era when military coups were no longer possible in this hemisphere.”

The 72-hour period appears designed to cover plans for Zelaya, who was ousted in a coup Sunday, to go home, accompanied by the presidents of Argentina and Ecuador, and seek restoration of his authority. However, Roberto Micheletti, named by Honduras’ Congress as the new president, said Tuesday that Zelaya could be met with an arrest warrant.

Zelaya met Tuesday night with envoys to the OAS to discuss what Argentina’s foreign minister called an urgent and dangerous situation in Honduras.

Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana and other Western Hemisphere ambassadors waited for 3 1/2 hours as Zelaya made his way from New York, where earlier Tuesday the U.N. General Assembly denounced the military coup that drove him from power Sunday. They demanded his immediate return to office.

Taiana, who presided over the special session of the 34-nation assembly, said if the diplomatic approach does not prevail, ”we have to take the decision to suspend Honduras in its rights and duties in this organization.”

When Zelaya arrived at the OAS building on Constitution Avenue, within blocks of the White House, he met first with Insulza. Zelaya has called the coup the work of ”a small group of usurpers” who carried out ”an act of aggression attacking the democratic will of the people.”

Albert Rambin, the OAS’ assistant secretary-general, said Micheletti intended to send a Honduran delegation to the OAS, but it would not be accepted. Insulza, asked if he would meet with such a delegation, said: ”I do not plan to. I do not intend to.”

The U.N. adopted a resolution calling on all 192 U.N. member states not to recognize any government in Honduras other than Zelaya’s.

At the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs said there are no plans to recall the U.S. ambassador to Honduras.

The United States said it saw no acceptable solution to Zelaya’s ouster other than returning him to power. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters that the U.S. was still reviewing whether to cut off aid to the Central American nation.

The difference between the new Obama administration and the old George W. Bush administration in the USA is that Bush would immediately have praised the Honduran wannabe Pinochet coup plotters and merchants of violence against journalists and against Honduran pro democracy demonstrators, as “heroes” etc; like he supported the 2002 putsch in Venezuela against the elected president.

The difference between the new Obama administration and an administration which would have completely broken with the bad old Bush days is that it takes the State Department extremely long to decide that a coup is indeed a coup and that, of course, all aid, especially military aid, to the illegal junta in Honduras should have been cut off immediately.

From Xinhua news agency:

2 dead, 60 injured in Honduras anti-coup protests

TEGUCIGALPA, June 29 — The death toll from protests against the interim Honduran government installed after a military coup increased to two on Monday after a protestor died in hospital.

Green party in England/Wales against the coup: here.

London protest against Honduran coup: here.

USA: Minneapolis protest against Honduran coup: here.

US-HONDURAS: Dictatorships and Double Standards Revisited: here.

AFL-CIO on Honduras: here.

The UN general assembly has roundly condemned the coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and demanded his immediate return to power: here.

Update: President Zelaya said:

My return to Honduras is scheduled for the weekend.

US seeks deal between Honduran coup leaders and deposed president: here.

4 thoughts on “O.A.S. ultimatum to Honduras dictators

  1. Solidariteitsbijeenkomst tegenover de Ambassade van Honduras.*

    Aanstaande vrijdag 3 juli komen we bij elkaar om onze solidariteit te
    betuigen met het volk van Honduras en de democratisch gekozen president
    Manuel Zelaya.

    We vragen je ons te steunen. We rekenen op jouw aanwezigheid.

    Vrijdag 3 juli om 16 uur bij de Burgemeester patijnlaan 1932 2585 CB Den
    Haag *

    *Solidariteitsverklaring Honduras/ Manuel Zelaya*


    **De Bolivariaanse Kring van Nederland sluit zich aan bij de solidariteit
    met het volk van Honduras en met de democratische en legitieme regering
    gevormd door President Manuel Zelaya.

    We verwerpen openlijk de ontvoering van de president van Honduras, zo ook de
    agressie tegen de ambassadeurs van Cuba, Nicaragua en Venezuela.

    Wij veroordelen de ontvoering van de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
    Patricia Rodas, en we voelen mee met de pijn die deze staatsgreep de
    families van de slachtoffers brengt.

    We roepen hierbij de Internationale Organisaties op om de vrijheid van
    meningsuiting en bewegingsvrijheid van het volk van Honduras te eisen.

    Wij verzoeken de democratische landen om de tijdelijke Regering die door de
    coup plegers is geïnstalleerd niet te erkennen en de terugkeer van
    democratie op te eisen.

    Wij steunen ferm de eenheid van de ALBA landen. Deze Bolivariaanse eenheid
    dat een regionaal voorstel is voor intergratie met een nieuwe economische
    moraal, met als doel armoede en de sociale uitsluiting te verbannen.

    Deze broederlijke landen nemen vandaag hun verantwoordelijkheid en steunen
    de democratisch gekozen president Zelaya, en zijn volk die zich vandaag
    mobiliseert om hun president en de Democratie te redden.

    De nobele idealen van president Zelaya zien we vandaag op brutale wijze
    ingeperkt door een machtige sociale sector vanuit het Leger, een sector
    vanuit de Gerechtelijke macht, een gedeelte van de Regering, die een vals
    beeld willen geven wat betreft de Rechtsstaat.

    Wij roepen de soldaten van Honduras op om niet te schieten op hun volk.

    Wij roepen de internationale gemeenschap op om zich niet te laten misleiden,
    de militaire staatsgreep is illegaal en antidemocratisch.

    Wij manifesteren onze grote zorg om de gevangenen en de vervolgden. We
    veroordelen de doden veroorzaakt door de fascistische onderdrukking tegen
    een ongewapend volk.

    Het volk van Honduras en hun president Manuel Zelaya, zijn niet alleen. Onze
    afkeuring van deze staatsgreep sluit zich aan bij de eis om rechtvaardigheid
    vanuit de gehele wereld.

    De vrede van Latijns Amerika is in gevaar. Het is legitiem en rechtvaardig
    om met de economische afhankelijkheid te breken.

    De kapitalistische crisis neemt nieuwe vormen aan, laten wij niet toestaan
    dat het onbeschermde volk de consequenties betaalt van het kapitalistische

    Ja voor Participatieve Democratie, voor het recht van het Hondurese Volk om
    geraadpleegd te worden.

    Omwille van de Democratie en de Vrede. Laten wij het onrecht in Honduras

    Bolivariaanse Kring van Nederland.



    Holanda 30-06-2009


  2. Hondurans for Zelaya, Democracy

    Escrito por jorge

    Jul 1 (Prensa Latina) The Honduras Popular Resistance Front affirmed on Wednesday continued massive protests rejecting the military coup and demanding President Manuel Zelaya’s return.

    Ambassadors Recalled from Honduras

    Information to Hondurans Blocked

    Chilean FM: No Space for Coups

    The leaders of the organization, made up of trade unions and youth, farmer, women, and human rights groups, announced they will gather near the presidential residence after some 10,000 people were there yesterday, trade union leaders said.

    The demonstration took place 24 hours after hundreds of police agents and military violently moved away demonstrators there since last Sunday.

    Today is the third day of a general strike summoned by those organizations until democratic institutionality is restored in the country, and Zelaya returns to the presidency.



  3. As Honduras’ Post-Coup Central Bank Brags of IMF Funding, IMF Continues Its Spin

    By Matthew Russell Lee

    UNITED NATIONS, September 6 — The International Monetary Fund, which in July told Inner City Press it had no program in Honduras and therefore, even after the coup, there was “no issue,” is now under fire for its allocation of Special Drawing Rights to the country. The Honduran Central Bank has put out a press release bragging that

    “At the initiative of the twenty industrialized and emerging countries (G-20), presided by the Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown, the International Monetary Fund injects liquidity into the world economy and Honduras augments its international reserves by $150.1 million.”

    In response, on a Sunday when the IMF is closed Monday for U.S. Labor Day, the IMF told the press

    “The IMF recently approved a global allocation of US$ 250 billion in IMF Special Drawing Rights to supplement all of the Fund’s 186 member countries’ foreign exchange reserves. It does not constitute aid money. In the specific case of Honduras, the present regime in de facto control is not able to use these SDRs until a decision is made on whether the Fund will deal with that regime as the government of Honduras.”

    But back in July, when Inner City Press asked IMF spokespeople Caroline Aktinson and William Murray, they replied that there was no issue, that no decision had to be made. At the IMF’s July 16 briefing, Inner City Press asked if the expulsion of Manuel Zelaya from Honduras has given rise to any changes or discussions within the IMF. Ms. Atkinson responded that “we have followed the normal international practice.” She said that “we don’t have any program with Honduras.”

    Protest in Honduras, spin at IMF

    But the IMF in June opened up a Technical Assistance Center for Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic (CAPTAC-DR) in Guatemala City. IMF Deputy Managing Director Takatoshi Kato was quoted that “this center is an example of strong regional cooperation in Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic… A region with almost 40 million people has significant economic potential. The Fund is proud to be a partner in the effort to promote regional economic growth and development, and hopes that CAPTAC-DR will serve as an engine to push forward the objective of a more economically cohesive region.” The latest regional technical assistance center will serve Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

    When Inner City Press raised this in July and asked, “is there no change in IMF stance toward Honduras?” the IMF’s response was that “On Honduras, we have no financial program there. It’s not an issue per se.”

    So the IMF has a center which spend money to serve Honduras. Clearly the IMF likes to as long as possible dodge questions and, some say, accountability.
    Footnote: At the UN, it is the position of the supporters of Zelaya that the General Assembly resolution prohibits any member state from sending observers to an election held by the coup leaders. Watch this site.



  4. Pingback: Blog on Honduras | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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