CIA spies read socialist website

This is a video from Scotland about a meeting about trade union rights, jointly held by: The Institute of Employment Rights, United Campaign to Repeal Anti-Trade Union Laws, and the Morning Star daily newspaper.

From the Morning Star, “Britain’s socialist daily newspaper”:

CIA – one of Morning Star’s biggest fans

Wednesday 29 April 2009

US spooks at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, were revealed on Wednesday as the third biggest visitors behind London and Manchester to the Morning Star website.

Webmaster Carl Worswick said the site always welcomes new visitors.

“It’s good to see that even the CIA recognise that the Morning Star is the only place to read the stories that the corporate press are afraid to print,” he said.

It is to be hoped that the CIA spies will learn from anti torture articles in the Morning Star that they should stop with waterboarding and similar crimes. According to a Rasmussen poll in the USA, nearly half of US people either prefer socialism to capitalism, or are not sure which of these two is better. However, I doubt whether the interest of CIA employees in the Morning Star is really motivated by this …

2 thoughts on “CIA spies read socialist website

  1. Pingback: Spanish investigation of Bush regime torture | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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