Socialist Party winner of elections in The Netherlands

Socialist Party logo

The Dutch Socialist Party is the winner of the Dutch general election, probably trebling in number of deputies, and becoming the third party, bigger than the Rightist VVD who were that for ages.

The only party (with the Christian Union whose victory was more modest), so far represented in parliament, actually winning votes compared with the 2003 elections.

According to first the RTL, then also the NOS TV counting, a coalition PvdA-CDA has no majority.

At least three parties would be needed for a majority government.

Socialist Party Leader Jan Marijnissen said on NOS TV that now it was time for more pro not well of people policies, not the “me me me” of the Right.

He thanked all party volunteers, and congratulated the new MPs.

Two new parties will be represented: the Party for Animals, and the Rightist Geert Wilders.

Whether the party of Marco Pastors, supporter of the late Pim Fortuyn, will get 0 or 1 seat, is still uncertain.

1 thought on “Socialist Party winner of elections in The Netherlands

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